Recessional: Bibliography and Further Reading
Further Reading and Bibliography
The Just Married podcast from WFHB, which includes many of the couples interviewed here and more: listen here.
LGBTQ History in the Midwest
The LGBTQ Oral History Digital Collaboratory connects "scholars, activists, and archives across Canada and the U.S. to produce a collaborative, digital history hub for gay, lesbian, queer, and trans* oral histories."
Indiana Historical Society's LGBT Collecting Initiative
Steven L. Brawley in #Bloom Magazine: “The Emergence of America’s LGBT History Between the Coasts.” 15 February 2016.
Andrew Shaffer, in The Oral History Review: "Where we rise: LGBT oral history in the Midwest and beyond," March 31st, 2017.
Gerber/Hart Library and Archives: Midwest LGBTQ History and Culture.
Marriage Equality
Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People's Right to Marry, by Evan Wolfson ("Perhaps the most important gay-marriage primer ever written" —Time Out New York)
Freedom to Marry WA acollection of a number of podcasts, intervires, articles, and more on the
Wolfson, Evan. “Marriage Equality and Some Lessons for the Scary Work of Winning,” 14 Law & Sexuality 135 (2005).